If you may know or not know my name is Baxtyr Johnson. A 30 year old just trying to navigate my way through life and provide you guys with some insight while I do it. I made this page back in 2015 with no real intention except to keep a timeline of my life. But along the way I realized that there is a purpose. This website is here for me to show you guys what all I am capable of. BXTA is a platform for me to be able to document my life and allow a little insight to the public.  I am very passionate about sharing my life and stories, and also hope I can inspire someone along the way. I hope you guys are ready to vibe out with me. Also last but not least, how ever you arrived here I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy everything I have to offer you. (+)

Artwork by: RellBrodie 

                                                                                  IG: Baxthadopest